Mini Bundles for 2025

*Put mini bundle in the date picked section- and reach out to me directly for the mini dates you want.

Client Information

Session Type:

Mini Session bundles are offered at the beginning of each year, for those that want to plan ahead for their sessions that year. These are slightly discounted for paying in full, ahead of time (Minis average $200 per session). Once you purchase a bundle, you will then wait until minis are released each season to choose which ones you would like- and you will then contact me so I can manually add you to that date!

$350 will be the payment for any of the ones picked- and if you choose a 3 or 4 mini session bundle, I will invoice you for the rest, separately. 

* Country
* State/Province

Sub Total

  • * Credit Card Type
    * Exp Month
    * Exp Year
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